Books by Kathryn Solly

Risk, Challenge and Adventure in the

Early Years

A practical guide to exploring  and extending learning outdoors.

by Kathryn Solly, B.Ed (Hons), M.A, PGCE(SEN), NPQICL

What is the difference between ‘risk’ and ‘danger’? What can children learn from taking  risks? How can you provide key experiences for children and ensure their safety outdoors?

This book clearly explains why children should be given the freedom to take risks  and provides practical experience  on how to offer stimulating and challenging outdoor experiences that will extend all areas of children’s development and learning.

This book is essential reading for both practitioners and students wishing to provide rich experiences for children enabling them to become confident and adventurous learners.

Paperback: 978-0-415-66740-1

Hardback: 978-0-415-66739-5

(Also available in Mandarin)

Published by

Achieving excellence in the early years – a guide for headteachers.

Published by Early Education, Kathryn is a contributing editor.

Coming Soon

Soon to be published by Routledge and written by Kathryn Solly:

Leading Children’s Learning Outdoors from Birth to Seven

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